Mountain Agriculture and Nature in Symbiosis


Natural Diversity on Lake Lucerne

The landscape around Lake Lucerne is unique and one of the most valuable landscapes of Switzerland. Due to the large differences in altitude and the location exposed to the foehn wind, it has extraordinary natural values. Forest communities, landslide landscapes, high-altitude meadows as well as wetlands are all characteristic of the natural landscape. The careful handling of the landscapes and natural monuments contributes significantly to everyday enjoyment and the identification of the population with the landscape, as well as to value for tourism. 

Rejuvenation and Habitats for Animals and Plants

With its coastal landscapes and mountains, Lake Lucerne is one of the most important recreational regions in Switzerland and the entire Alpine region. Many characteristic plants such as chicory or white marshroot, which is known as a replica of the known orchids, grow in this natural setting. Animals such as the leek cricket are also native.

The daily work on these farms located on the steep mountain slopes make an important contribution to the preservation of these natural habitats. 


Mountain farming - Local Suppliers for Vitznau's Gastronomy

What at first glance looks like pure idyll is in reality bound up with hard work. Most of the mountain farms are organic. They tend to be quiet locations that are only partly accessible by road, or not at all.


Nevertheless, a number of farming families in the mountains around Vitznau devote themselves with great passion, as before, to supplying culinary businesses and private individuals with their products. Locals and holidaymakers alike can taste the fruits of this labor in the restaurants and local markets.

around lake lucerne 

Discover Mountain Farms 

From Mountain to Market 

A popular destination for many holidaymakers is the local “hiesige-Märt" in Vitznau. Each stand features regional products produced near Vitznau. The mountain farms supply fresh fruit and vegetables as well as delicious spreads, cheese and sausages for a colorful array at the market.

Savour Mountain Farming

At the mountain inns in Hinterbergen and Kuorez , you can not only observe the care given to the animals, you can also directly enjoy the delicacies they produce:

  • Fresh butter and aromatic cheese produced from milk.
  • Fruit varieties processed into wines and spirits.
  • Vegetables from the garden straight into the salad bowl.

In the Öko-Hotel Gruebisbalm and at the facilities at the Gruebisbalm Cave, you can enjoy freshlly prepared vegetables, fruit, and berries, as well as beef direct from the adjacent organic farm.  

Experience Mountain Farming Up Close 

What life feels like in the beautiful nature of the Rigi can be experienced during a stay in the holiday apartment at Bergheimet Oberebnet. The guest house with fantastic views of Lake Lucerne can be reached only with the Rigi Bahn and a subsequent 15- minutes walk. Luggage reaches its destination via a cargo cableway.

Whether alone or accompanied by family and friends: everyone will find the ideal place in Vitznau for rest and relaxation.

Discover Further Offers in Vitznau